Change Your Thinking to Change Your Relationship

Change Your Thinking to Change Your Relationship

Change Your Thinking to Change Your Relationship

Unfortunately most people in today's modern society experience of relationships is less than empowering. This occurs because they have been taught a very impoverished model of "how it is." A model that contains lots of rules, constraints, obligations, requirements and limitations about what is possible. And because of how people are taught, they can tell you exactly "how it is" for them!!! Yet this type of thinking that is learnt isn't delivering the individual great results in their relationships but also in other areas of their life either. Eg in their career, in their health and fitness, in their personal development. Think about people that you know, how's it going for them? Are they enjoying life? Are they 100% happy and fulfilled? Are they healthy and prosperous? Is the relationship that you have or want delivering wholeness for you?
Are you willing settle for less than you want and deserve? Are you going to carry on giving REASONS for why life is not how you want it. Or is it NOW time to have what you want. To have your relationship how you want it?
The problem is that people are scared to step out of their comfort zone. You'll hear people say to you, "This is my life, I know the good bits and I know the bad bits. My relationship isn't great but it's not too bad." WOW!!!!! What a that really as good as it gets...."not too bad???!" When you think about those words, it's hardly an outstanding experience is it? But without the right tools and techniques for creating what you want, people habitually settle for less than they want and less than they deserve.
To change something, then you've got to be prepared to change something. You've got to take action to step out of your comfort zone to consider what else is possible. How else could you relate to another person? What else could a relationship be? How could things be different? That's a process of changing your thinking.
Now you have an opportunity to create the relationship you want by learning and apply the exciting and proven techniques of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis.
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